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Bariatric Care

At The Phoenix Center for Rehabilitation and Pediatrics, our Bariatric Wellness Program is dedicated to empowering residents on their journey toward sustainable weight loss and enhanced mobility. Designed for individuals facing severe obesity, our program adopts a holistic, interdisciplinary approach that addresses the physical, nutritional, and emotional aspects of weight management.

A Multi-Faceted Approach to Wellness

Our program seamlessly integrates rehabilitation services with weight management strategies, behavioral therapy, nutrition education, stress management techniques, and supportive group sessions. This comprehensive model ensures that residents receive the care and knowledge needed to embark on a healthier lifestyle.

Tailored Rehabilitation and Exercise

Physical and occupational therapies play a pivotal role in our program, focusing on improving mobility and fostering independence. Exercise is emphasized, with personalized routines developed for each resident. Our facility is equipped with specialized bariatric equipment and accommodations, ensuring a comfortable and secure setting for all participants.

Nutritional Guidance and Education

Our dietitians are instrumental in planning nutritious, balanced meals tailored to each resident's preferences and medical needs. Educational sessions on nutrition empower residents with the knowledge to make informed food choices, setting the foundation for long-term dietary wellness.

Emotional and Psychological Support

Recognizing the profound link between emotional well-being and physical health, our program includes individual, group, and family counseling, along with daily psychotherapy sessions led by our experienced social workers. These sessions provide a supportive space for residents to explore emotional challenges, gain insights, and build resilience.

Community and Camaraderie

Weekly wellness meetings foster a sense of community, offering residents a platform to share experiences, celebrate milestones, and support one another. This atmosphere of camaraderie is vital for motivation and sustained progress.

Beyond the Program

Our goal is for residents to return home equipped with the tools and confidence needed to continue their wellness journey. We understand the complexities associated with obesity, including its potential to contribute to life-threatening conditions and emotional distress. Our Bariatric Wellness Program is designed to be the first step toward reclaiming physical and emotional health, providing a comprehensive foundation for a vibrant, fulfilling life.

At The Phoenix Center, we're committed to supporting you every step of the way on your path to wellness. Let us be your partner in achieving lasting change and a healthier future.

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